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Message from the Chairman's Desk

Namaste and Greetings!

          It is the matter of pride to be the chairperson of New Pinewood English Boarding High School. The school stands for the highest standards of education.

          The hope of every guardian is to make their children efficient and productive manpower. Our school helps in making our students so. We believe in all-round development of the students. Our focus will not only be pure study but exploration of the students’ capabilities by providing extra-curricular activities and opportunities.

          I; as the chairman of this school; will be monitoring all the activities from the view tower and provide necessary guidance to the management, administration, teaching and non-teaching staff and the students and New Pinewood family as a whole.

          Fianlly, I would like to thank all the guardians and the well-wishers for their continuous support because of which we are here to this peak of success. I hope the same in the days to come.

          Thank you for visiting our web page.

Mr. Laxman Karki

Mr. Laxman Karki


New Pinewood English Boarding School Rupandehi, Nepal

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