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Teaching Approach

To meet the needs of this competitive world, New Pinewood English Boarding School scholars have devised the following strategies
for pedagogical methods that translate our vision of academic excellence into reality.
1. Theoretical Approach
2. Practical Approach
3. Research
4. Field visits
5. Project work
6. Counseling and guidance.

Relation b/w Parents, Teachers & Students

 A few students in a classroom will grasp and learn quickly, but at the same time there will be those who have to be taught repeatedly using different techniques. There are some students who are not focused in study but take school as entertainment. At the same time there are few students who are always in fear, confusion and stress. The communication between the students and the teachers will provide a healthy atmosphere for a classroom environment. The more the teacher connects with the students, the more the students learn. But there are some issues in which parents’ participation supports too much to get success. So, for the holistic development of our children, a very close togetherness is needed among parents, teachers and students. Students–teachers picnic programs, excursion, guardians meeting, home visiting and guardian counseling are our regular programs to address the above problems.

New Pinewood English Boarding School Rupandehi

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