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Enrollment Procedure , Criteria

Registration form for admission can be obtained from the ‘Front Desk Office’. Completely filled form can be submitted along with the application charge at the School Reception. Document required to be submitted with registration forms which are listed herewith.

A copy of Birth Certificate

Two passport size photographs.

Transfer/ Character certificate from class LKG onwards.

Latest report card of the previous year.

T&C applied

Term and Conditions

-A child should have complete 3 years till the date of admission. He/ she should simply understand and respond in his/ her mother tongue.

In course of admission, preference will be given to
I. Siblings of the students studying at New Pinewood English Boarding School at presents.
II. The children of school periphery and neighboring.

Admission from LKG to IX
-LKG – UKG: Interaction with the students and the parents
I- V: written assessment followed by interaction with the students and the parents.
VI – IX: Written assessment, interview along with interaction in between school students and parents.
XI- The admission committee of the Academy carefully reviews all the applications including the applicant’s SEE grades and the scores secured in the entrance exam.

The general criteria for evaluation are: 
– Students’ grades in the SEE examination. 
– Students’ marks in the entrance examination.
-Motivation and discipline necessary for education judged during an interview. 
-Maturity and sense of purpose for future careers judged in the interview. 
– Sense of value consistent with the standards and purposes of the Academy’s secondary program agreed to and signed by both the student and guardians.

T&C applied

Scholarship Schemas

Grade 11 Merit Based Scholarship Schemes: 

1. First Class Scholarship (5 seats/ 4 GPA in SEE 2076): 100% scholarship in admission fees and 100% scholarship in tuition fees.
2. Namaste Chairman Scholarship (5 seats/ GPA 3.8- 3.95 in SEE 2076):50% scholarship in admission fees and 25% scholarship in tuition fees.
3. Namaste Academic Scholarship (5 seats/ GPA 3.60- 3.79 in SEE 2076): 50% scholarship in admission fees and 25% scholarship in tuition fees.
4. Namaste Special Scholarship (5 seats). 50% scholarship in admission fees and 50% scholarship in tuition fees for students who belong to a marginalized social community.

  •  Note: Lab, lunch and snacks, and transportation fees are not included in scholarship schemes.

New Pinewood English Boarding School Rupandehi, Nepal

Call to enrol your child